Fit Friday: A guiltless peanut butter milkshake

First things first- Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all your sweet messages, texts, and emails regarding my last post.
You are the sweetest and it seriously made my day- you have no idea.

Next on the agenda- Ryan is pretty excited to wish you all a Happy Friday!

We are pretty happy to see daddy for the weekend and take him away from school for a few days.
Around this time of year Law School and I become enemies.
'Law School' becomes this person that I find myself having conversations (and arguments) with on a daily basis.
Ha I told my husband, 'Law School' and I will never fully understand each other.

On to the real reason for a Friday post!
I have a deep love for milkshakes. (and Peanut Butter)

I was craving a milkshake while surfing Pinterest, (NOT A GOOD COMBO) when BAM.
I found this "protein peanut butter smoothie"
Resisting the urge to go drive and find a 1000 calorie milkshake, I decided to try it.

Oh was it a hit!

I have been so addicted to this smoothie, it's not even funny.
And my boys LOVE it, so it's turned into our "dessert" every now and again.

Creamy Peanut Butter Protein Smoothie

1 Frozen Banana (HAS to be frozen to make it creamy)

6 oz. Vanilla Yogurt

1/3 cup Peanut Butter

1/2 cup skim milk

5 ice cubes

BLEND. It takes 3 minutes to throw together and seriously tastes like a vanilla peanut butter milkshake.
(If you are not the biggest peanut butter lover- 
add less peanut butter and a little more yogurt and it will hardly have a peanut butter taste)

It satisfy's every sweet tooth I ever have at night.

Our day has consisted of ball throwing, chalk drawing, bug stepping and park going.
It's been a good morning.
Ryan's Outfit/ Shirt: Janie and Jack (on sale now!) / Pants: Gymboree (also on sale now!) / Shoes: We found at MARSHALLS- Steal! but they are here at Polo

Happy Friday all!! xoxo

Karina Marie Powell

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  1. He is just so handsome!!! Happy Easter to your family!

  2. I'm always looking for new smoothie recipes. This one looks so delish, thanks for sharing! PS. What a handsome boy Ryan is!!

  3. HE IS SO HANDSOME. I seriously cannot get over it. He looks like such a little man! Those are the best kinda days, this smoothie recipe looks delish. I'm gunna have to try it soon!
