Sidebar ads are now available! 
The perfect way to gain exposure for your blog or business. You can find advertising options below.
You do not have to be a mommy blogger :)

Stats as of April, 2015: 

1,800+ followers via Bloglovin & GFC
4,200+ followers on Instagram 
1,700+ followers on Pinterest 
& 1,600+ followers on Facebook!

My blog averages about 2,500+ page views a day, some days it hits 3,500+ 
*Monthly average views are 65,000+

Every blog post is promoted through my social media accounts!

Giveaways and Reviews :

I am happy to review products as long as they fit well with the content of my blog.  
You do not have to purchase an ad spot for this. 
*** HOWEVER:  If you are a CONSULTANT / DISTRIBUTOR for a company trying to boost your sales, a large AD is required to purchase before sending me the product to review. :) Thank you!

 Products will not be returned and they will given an honest review. I am also very happy to do a giveaway with your feature. Giveaways must be at least $20.