Make your own car cupcake

Ryan is beyond OBSESSED with cars so Aaron and I decided to give him "cars heaven" for a day to celebrate his birthday.

Just to give you an indication on my "not so talented" baking skills- 
I sent my husband this picture of the finished product of my car cupcake while he was at work.

After telling me they were pretty sweet and that he wanted one, he then asked where I bought them..?
I was like "ummm honey, I made them"
What little faith he has in my baking skills:)
I think I have burned one too many cakes in the oven HA. I don't blame him.

Moral of the story---You can totally do this at home.
If I can make them, you can make them.

I saw the original idea HERE and just baked my little heart out to make it come to life.

All you need:

 A cake mix- Any kind

Red Frosting


Mini Chocolate Chips

and a White Chocolate baking Bar

Step #1. Bake your cupcakes.
**I substitute applesauce for oil and egg whites for eggs.

Step #2. Make your Frosting.
I made THIS easy 4 ingredient frosting and added LOTS of red food coloring to make it really red.

Step #3. Make your "windshield"
Break off little rectangles of your white chocolate bar and frost the edges with red frosting.
Then take 2 mini chocolate chips for the "eyes"
((I stuck the little windshied in the freezer for about 10 minutes so it hardens up:) )

Step #4. Put on your windshields. Push them into the cupcake.

Step #5. Use 2 yellow M&M's for your headlights
and 4 brown M&M's for your wheels.

And that my friends, is how you make a car cupcake.
My two year old absolutely LOVED them.
I think I'm getting this whole "boy thing" down.
Trust me if you have boys, they are a hit! XO

Karina Marie Powell

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  1. So so brilliant and simple! Way to go. And I thought I was stellar making a "dirt" cake with gummy worms topped with yellow tractors earlier this month.

  2. These are awesome! They really do look like you bought them at a bakery, go momma! And I hope to see a birthday party post coming up soon, I loved his golf party you did last year!

  3. WOW!!!! You did a great job!!! These are a.w.e.s.o.m.e.

  4. Super mom!! These really are amazing!
